Each Panerai Replica watch case has been afforded a strap that looks and feels completely OEM. A Rubber B strap is never an aftermarket product, rather it is a first ever, integrated and high-tech alternative to the factory standard option. Rubber B straps are always the very first of their kind, and represent the most advanced science with high-tech patented machinery and capabilities that do not exist outside of Switzerland.
Each Rubber B strap reference contains a solid carbon insert that has been micro-calibrated to provide a motionless, rotation-less, and gap-free mount to the 44mm Luminor case. This situates the heavy Panerai Replica Watches Swiss Movement head steadily upon the wearer’s wrist, in a balanced, secure, and comfortable manner.
Rubber B factory’s patented technology, which engineers dual-color straps during the injection mold process, provides limitless flexibility and conformity of multiple color masses of vulcanized rubber, while they function as one seamless unit. This allows for full torsion and uniformity of the Panerai Replica Watches Made In China dual-colored strap during motion, avoiding any superficial color methods such as paints, bonds, or glues.
Permanent solid inserts contained within the strap are calibrated to fit one particular Panerai replicas swiss made grade 1 model perfectly and flawlessly. These inserts within the strap ensure a safe, dependable mount to its intended watch and clasp, along with ease of spring bar insertion.