When Hublot finds a new source of inspiration, it will dare to push it further than any other major player in the luxury replica watch industry. Adhering to the motto of “Art of Fusion”, the watch factory requires the watch factory to use unparalleled methods to create and combine materials, which has never been seen in the watch industry, and the source of inspiration is not limited to aesthetic expression.

Hublot Classic Fusion Concrete Jungle Replica keeps its name unchanged and has a groundbreaking feat in the watchmaking industry: a dial made of solid concrete. Usually, the dial of a Hublot watch is like fine jewelry, with hand-polished and polished hour markers, and in some cases, it is covered with hand-set diamonds, covering the last square millimeter.

In contrast, Concrete Jungle takes the theme of the same name to another level, that is, a concrete dial replaces the applicable index of the open space, and the Best Hublot Replica name and other text are applied to the uneven surface of this excellent dial. Even the hands on the main dial and sub-dial are tailor-made to perfectly match the texture and color of its concrete surroundings.

Hublot Replica Watches combines the special shell of the concrete jungle and the 50-meter waterproof rating to protect the HUB1143 movement. This self-winding chronograph movement is matched with the black ceramic buttons and crown for smooth and comfortable operation. Complementing these black parts is an all-black textile strap with black stitching, all of which can best highlight the contrasting head of the concrete.